Friday, August 1, 2014

Kidding Around With Power Points

As a professor, I've long held that power points are the kiss of death in a classroom. Designed to liven up a lecture, they actually put an audience to sleep. So when our kids came home asking to create power points for fun, we were dumbfounded. Then we had a bright idea (ok, to maintain journalistic integrity, it was actually Staci's idea)--use their peculiar propensity for power points for our traveling benefit. Here's how it worked:

1. Let each child choose a destination (Our next trip is Europe, so they chose a country)
2. Give them some parentally-guided time online and at the library for research
3. Let them loose on powerpoint (Our kids' slide-count got into the 40s and 50s)
4. Assign them a day/time to present their findings, and sit back and enjoy

We were awestruck by how much they jumped on the opportunity to do research. In fact, instead of playing their normal cadre of video games, they asked to get on the computer to build their power points.

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